Monday, February 09, 2009

My First Post!!

It was not much long ago that i decided to create an account, after reading Rahul's(a friend) blog..he started blogging to keep it as a memorandum of his past and present. And then last night i learned that Jen (Jenshia-another friend) has also developed this habit,if u can call this a habit :). The only difference that the latter is a Malayalam blog while the former one is in English...Jen did warn me not to read coz she thinks its just rubbish...but i didn't listen to her as she really good in language..she has got good writing skills and reads a lot....
"DARPANA"-it is named.

The first was a poem..right from my school days i was never good in taking the 'actual' meaning of any poem, irrespective of the i gave up reading the first one...then i went straight to read the last post..the post was nice : it described her routine on weekdays- when we have classes and it is different from a holiday's for almost all of us...and to my wonder i found out that its exactly like mine..getting up late out of bed,dressing up ,breakfast- all in a hurry...dashing to the bus stop to catch the bus to reach the college in time...just moments before the classes start..and often pleading with the teacher for attendance if late..or else she(we have only one male teacher and he's really kind) will cut off our internal marks for poor attendance..

When i finished reading that particular post, i realized that it is time for me to actually start blogging. i created an account much before but never posted anything..Not that i didn't had time in the past... Rahul asked me to do this ages ago,because he actually thinks i can maintain a blog all by myself..and he finally gave up..But i never had the confidence..not that this is some examination, but i really wanted to give it a good start.
lekin kya kare?? I'm a lazy type of wats my fault in this ?? :D
It took me this long to decide ..and i think this is not a bad it??

I actually planned for a blog in Manglish- that is what we call a language which is a mixture of Malayalam and English...and that is a common language in use over here in kerala..hi hi..
but i couldn't simply understand how to use 2 languages in a single post..and I'm sure it is possible coz i saw it in Darpana...

And now on I'll be trying to blog in Manglish..this is due to the reason that i think certain things-events, or dialogues said in native languages if translated may lose its beauty...

So guys, if there is anyone out there who took the courage and was kind enough to read this blog, please forgive me for mistakes...after all THIS IS MY FIRST POST...mistakes do happen yaar..

keep reading.....:)
don't forget to leave a comment... :)