Saturday, May 16, 2009

The phenomenon called life.

Enough about my silly mistakes....
I'm bored taking break from the label 'abbadhangal' and is trying to ponder on something else...but what??
Hmm...lemme tell you about my life..
Education comes first!
I started my schooling in a convent school...and i was an year younger than my classmates...i still am...most of my classmates are 21..exceptions being Bhavi(bhavya),Shupps(Prasanth), Srikanth, Aasan(Vaisakh) and myself..i'm not sure about Aasan but i strongly doubt it considering his size...that is the most amazing and funniest thing about all of us: the 'youngsters'  have a higher size to age ratio in comparison with the others...all of us a are >5'5 in height.. Aasan is some 5'10 or something- a big bloke, me some 5'7 or 8, Shupps also, Srikanth also reasonably tall i cant tell the exact height and Bhavya is 5'5 or 6..what i actually intend to say is that in spite of my size which gives me a matured look, people say that i'm just too immature to be this big..i agree..i have just the same opinion about myself...

An over-sized kid..!!!

Part one-
the early days

I was an year younger than my classmates when i joined Lower KG, i had problems digesting the lessons and hardly remember having friends...this is surprising because i was the same then, just what i'm today, the same attitude and today i can claim a huge treasure- a chest full of you guys...and i miss them a lot.

Sudi (Sudeep) agrees with me..he swears he was my classmate in almost all lower primary classes..but i DO NOT remember him..may be i was too busy with things: talking and talking, arguing, attention-seeking...hihi..and today he has grown to a friend from a classmate.. we completed our high school, higher secondary education from the same schools and now we are graduating from the same college :)

I mentioned the problem with studies, i was very lazy so i used get a lot of beatings from my mother...she mercilessly made me work on mathematical problems which i hated the most.English was my best subject,so she wanted me to master all the antonyms and synonyms..and grammar too.Thanks to her, because of these practice sessions i developed healthy reading habit, starting with children's magazines. Now one of my hobbies is to learn new words from the dictionary...i loved Science and Biology was my favourite..i was weak in Social Studies and Malayalam grammar...but i loved reading all the chapters from the Malayalam text book in advance given that it was prose..i never had the ability to enjoy poetry unless someone explained the 'inner' meaning..I was a bad-student , i missed classes at least twice a week. There were two reasons for this

1. I suffered frequent attacks of illness, some form or other. i was physically very weak. My father still 
jokes i used to look like some cross between a human(in basic structure)- a crow(in complexion)- and a small giraffe(in size-lean and long).

2. I hated going to school. I wanted to be at home , full-time, playing with friends and spending fun-time with my aunt.(My mothers younger sis, she brought me up till i was 7).

'But you were a sweet child'- my dad confirms.
I used to come home from school every evening complaining about some classmate bullying me- slapping or pinching was true..all these stories had the same ending..
'i wont go to school tomorrow'. 

My mom used to comfort me not to care about all these and report to the teacher..but i was too scared to report it..This went on for about an year..then one evening as i finished my set of complaints for the aunt took me in her hands..made me stand on the table..she looked straight into my eyes and said
 'i don't want to hear such complaints anymore, the next time someone slaps you, you slap back,someone pinch you, u do the same..tit for tat and if this reaches the teachers ears i'll be there to back you up'

this opened a wide range of possibilities and from the next working day i became one among the few strong girls in the class...and may be this is the reason why most of my classmates still remember me..
However some way this made me bold and i evolved from the shy, always-frightened-looking kid to what i am today- an outspoken,straightforward,friendly person, semi-practical,half-emotional...I believe  i am right about attributing myself with the above terms...not  mentioning the negatives..but on the positive note...Am i right buddies???

Part two follows........will post soon..

 Aaasan claimed he is 6'2 or more after reading this post..
Jen(Jenshia) says she turns 21 the coming September you are welcome to the group of 'youngsters' ..after all she is qualified in terms of size...