Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ende jeevithatilea 10 valiya abbadhangal- abbadham 1

I said i my last post i will publish my 10 greatest stupidities in life under the name

'ende jeevithatilea 10 valiya abbadhangal'

Ever since then i have been trying to recollect such incidents and events...
By 'abbadhangal' i refer to both funny and serious ones which

  • either brought tears of laughter in the eyes of other people when i narrated the particular incident to them...
  • or those which made me re-consider the options i had, at the time of making the decision, later. These are the ones i still regret .

     #1                       My first day in class 6                   June 1,  1999

My kindergarten and lower primary were completed at a convent school. After class 5 i was transferred to this new one.It was my first day at the new school , class 6. My parents didn't accompany me since there was this girl who was a neighbour and we were in the same class. So she took me along with her. I was not informed about which class:the division, i would be in, at the time of admission. So i went and sat with my new friend in her class.Then the teacher came in and started the calling the rolls. And obviously my name was not there. so she checked with the office and found my name. I was to sit in Class 6B. The class was a floor below .I climbed down the stairs and found the room. When i was about to enter the class, i got a glimpse of some familiar faces from my old school and i was very relived. But suddenly i saw a woman in saree inside who was talking down to a boy who was standing .

' Oh no, the teacher is already there.The first day and I'm late ..what will happen now??'

pettannu ende thalayil bulb kathi.

i cleared my throat..mhhmhh...may be a decent request to enter the class, convent style, can make a good impression...

"excuse me.. " several heads turned..
"may i come in teacher??.." asked i, brightly, glowing more and more with each word...

there was a moment...and then the entire class broke into a laugh...my mouth fell open a little...

'but..why are they laughing??'

the 'teacher' was smiling, but said nothing..then someone spoke out loud from among the smirking faces..

"She is not a teacher"

my mouth opened even wider..now i was literally standing at the class room entrance, gaping into the many faces, some still smirky.

then the truth struck me...


how silly of me...just because my parents send me school with a friend..it doesn't mean that every parent does so...

when the initial shock died out, i walked inside, located a free corner and sat there...
i neither spoke nor did anything for the next some 15-20 mts, something that was really not myself..
then to my pleasure, someone came to me and said hello..and then i started talking 


i never stopped..i kept talking and talking..

my ability to talk endlessly about anything under the sun(or the galaxies) made my seniors name me 'sound box' (coz i used to talk really really loud)
And such an achievement in the very first week itself!!! Ooh.. I'm simply great ;)

So that was the first one...this series will continue..i will post the next one as soon as possible..as soon as i recollect the details ;-)

see u soon..!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

A 'first' in life!!!

hey guys...

for the past few days i have been thinking about what to to write  next, but couldn't get anything interesting...i actually wanted to post some interesting incidents from my life...

today was the second ever purposeful visit of mine to a bank..honestly, i never had been to a bank before in my life..at least not for my own need..

My last visit, alone , to a nationalised bank was for obtaining a form for an entrance exam...and i managed quite well...but today i had to get demand drafts for some other exams..and i didn't even know wat purpose DD served :D..

so i dragged along with me my Mother despite her being busy at work..its election time and they have already made her work overtime.When i was filling up the form, my mother got a call from office demanding her immediate presence there for some squad work or some other rubbish i didn't understand and i didn't want to..i was really hurt that i shouted at her for not spending enough time for me..so finally she convinced me that 'this is important , I'll have to face questions from the 'top' if i don't leave now ' and all...so i finally said OK.

But she actually wanted to be with me, i know that she did...before leaving she left my filled in application on the hands of a colleague of hers whom we saw there telling him 'my daughter doesn't know anything about bank procedures so please submit(i even donno if its called 'submitting' )this DD application of her along with yours and please don't leave until she's done ' and so...

so there i was, waiting in a chair watching the long queue shorten slowly...'long' in the sense that i never actually saw a queue in a bank before, especially for DDs..and i lost my patience!!

so i began walking, here to there and back, brushing people as i did and telling 'pls onnu neengo??' to people who i thought won't stand 'excuse me'..

Really, i have met lots of people who stared at me when i said 'excuse me' to push myself forward in a crowd at the bus station or at the road..

 i think there are two reasons for this kind of response
1 . i disturbed  them while they were 'seriously' talking..
2. they will think 'evel ara.. oru Englishu kari vanirikunnu'

I believe most of us, even the educated section of the society think this way...not all of them...but a good percentage do think so..
where were we??
oh yeah...so i was waiting and waiting there..then this colleague of my Amma came to me and said that it will take an hour before i get the DD..i was shocked to hear that i have to wait another hour there, doing nothing..(i was hyperactive as a kid, and i still bear traces) can't even use the phone coz it they requested not to use Mobile phone inside the bank..then an idea struck me...this colleague told me that tan extra amount was charged for promoting the notifications via the bank..so i had to pay Rs.90 more..To my own disgust, i was already 'bankrupt' ;)..i spent all the cash i had at the mobile shop and at the bank...only Rs.25 left to return home!!!to my relief came my mother's call. she advised me to go home and return with the cash..and so i went home and returned some half-an-hour later with enough-and-more cash..and was still waiting for the officer to have pity on me and make the proceedings quick..

it was during the time that i thought about my blog and regretted that  haven't posted anything since the first one..!! what will the readers think about me, aah?? ;) :D

Then it suddenly struck me...why not write about the 10 great stupidities that happened in my life along all these years??
 "that will be interesting..." i thought
but the hard part is to recollect them and choose the best 10...
hmm i know its going to be really difficult...but I'm gonna do it...

"Friends, readers and Manglish men/women, I'll never let you feel disappointed...
publishing soon, in soft copies 

"ende jeevithatilea 10 valiya abbadhangal"

booking open from 1st April 2009..limited copies.HURRY!!!"