Monday, October 11, 2010

A letter to my friend

hi all,
To start off the posts about my change in life-style over the last one year, i think it will be dil-logical to start with the mail i sent to my friend, the very first week i started here at Cochin...
(Its an edited version):)

hi ,

as always hope ur great....
well to start off, the first day in the hostel was uneventful except that i got to meet some girls from various parts, in and outside Kerala, beautiful, smart and friendly (or as it appears) ones.kindly read 'beautiful with an increased stress.. i was kinda staring at some of them when i met them first.;):D

The first day t the school went good. since i had already made some acquaintances when i went for the GD-PI i didn't find it much difficult to carry around myself around the campus. then there was the inaugural address by the commodore of the Cochin shipyard. to be honest i dozed off. i was trying not to close my eyes as the various guests spoke. we had an introductory class in the AN by our director. then we spend time at the canteen, eating and cracking jokes and laughing. that was the best part.The canteen is superb. Since the campus hosts MBA MCA and PGDM sub-campuses we have a somewhat wide and long canteen. And we get loads of tastes.
(This opinion changed in just a week!!! i hate the canteen food)

our class is cool owing to the air conditioning, but i hate the chairs we have, not at all comfortable.:(
the faculty we have are really well versed and they know what to give the students.
the class has a higher number of girls than boys. Yo girl power .
the guys look damn good in the western formals, blazer excluded which is common to boys and girls. i have got a feeling that we girls look ridiculous beside them in Indian formals,(we have only 2 options, either wrap urself in a saree or satisfy urself with a salwar kameez duppatta) we usually choose the latter . we have 2 classes for MBA, batch A and B, i belong to the later one which includes people who has a non-commerce background, and for us they start from the beginning. Most of us are BTechs. some of them have work-experience too. the sessions last for 1.15 hours each and are highly interactive, which means one must be alert always.we're having foundation classes now for two weeks.

i was homesick two days into the classes and i cried twice. once a little and the next time a bit lot. when i went home for the weekend i was missing the hostel!!!! now im OK. i have settled myself here, upon the understanding that no matter how much i try i dont have a choice.. yesterday i thought about Amma when someone mentioned mother in one of the classes. i wanted to go home again!!.

There are loads of interesting persons in the class. the truth is that i did not notice the 2 weeks passing.the sessions are really demanding and i'm sure the work load is going to increase in the days to come.

ok then. this is the report of my first 2 weeks at SCMS School of Technology and Management.

This was my first impression about the place... :) Now my perception has undergone great changes as i got to meet more people and know them better.. i'm a much mature person now :) Oh ,, I'm soo happy to say that!!! :D

More on the coming posts..
see ya.


  1. divii...

    am waiting 4 ur next ur scribbling fast dear..

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