Monday, July 13, 2009

Yep.. I’m a foodie…

Another characteristic of mine... And most of my friends know that don’t eat to live but i eat to enjoy the food!! It’s like I live to eat !!

I know, u r grinning now… I don’t have a clue why I’m writing this… ...A Post on my food habits? but I think being a foodie gives u the right and courage to think, talk and write about food, 24x7..

if its dull then please excuse..

Literally speaking, most of the things we do affect others around us in one way or the other and we are often influenced or compelled. we cook, study, work, even sometimes live for others(now that’s something really worthy to do, no questions there) and I consider eating as the only thing we do for ourselves in its entirety(minus expectant mothers of course;) ).. So why should one be ashamed that he/she is a foodie??? :D

I love food...I love cooking and eating. The things I cook can be called ‘divya’s creations’ rather than by a particular name for each, coz most of the times, I invent the dishes and I tell u, it’s a really difficult job for me to name them.. So most of the times they are called ‘holy cauli’, ‘wonder deluxe’ or simply ‘vegetable tries’...

I try to introduce a distinction in the traditional way of cooking a particular foodstuff by testing with diverse ingredients, without evicting the basic ones.

My area of specialisation is salads…I a fan of salads…give me salads all three times a day and I’ll eat happily... :D My favorite among my own preparation is the cabbage-carrot-peanut salad which I eat like a cow. Chewing and chewing…its crispy, crunchy and sometimes yummy too because of the milk-cream I add for extra taste…and saucy coz of the pepper and lemon... mmmm…

Recently I was searching for a chaat recipe...India’s own chaat... and it crossed my mind... Why it is that street food tastes the best??? Always!!! No matter what it is... Let it be vadapav, bonda, vada with coconut chutney, pani puri, hot samose with chutney, chaat, or dosa or idli …..Whatever, it always stimulates my taste buds. (I donno the case with hot dogs coz I’m a veggie and I have never left India) One advantage of being a foodie is that you always know and get the best to eat. And you’ll always know where to go for the best and the tastier. And I give eating the same status as cooking. Both are arts that require dedication, a creative mind and loads of skill :D. Street food was many times a topic of discussion among us friends… and we have wondered why it always tastes like heaven… and then one day Aparna came up with the thought that street food gets that taste because its unhygienic… oh no. she made my day… I kept thinking about that all the way home. Usually on my way home, I used to steal a look through the restaurant windows on the either side of the road, inside people helping themselves with snacks and drinks when I was outside with an empty stomach, hoping that I may find something really delicious to eat at our kitchen shelf.But that evening i was totally unenthusiastic to throw a look into my usual places of interest...but it lasted only for a few days..within a week i was back to my usual self.. but i still continue to be bit nervous about eating anything i feel is 'from-the-streets'.

Everyone will agree that homemade food is the most hygienic and safe. Because we always know 'whats cooking'.And our chefs at home- our dear mothers always want to give their children the best,food which will give them the best of health and keep them away from illness..Mothers are obviously the best chefs in the world...even though i do often fight with Amma for not making my favorite food and going with my father's preference.. ;)

Speaking about fathers and cooking, sometimes fathers turn out to be better chefs than mothers.Well thats how it is at my home..i have inherited the tendency to experiment with cooking from my Appa..we often work together at kitchen playing chefs..and its really fun..the only part i hate is that when often orders me to bring things like salt and pepper and other such flavorings while he himself sits idle... he acts as if he's the head-chef and treats me as a sidekick..and that is when i push him out of the kitchen and take over control as the head..

The only sad part is the fact that my food interests and habits are limited to vegetarian food. I was born into a complete veggie family and follow the family footsteps. So I cannot stand the smell of cooked or uncooked fish, meat or any such thing that is otherwise mouth-watering. So I cannot and will never explore non-vegetarian food. But I’m not complaining. There are still loads of vegetarian dishes out there which I have never tired. I'm looking forward to taste it all someday.

Happy Eating. :)


  1. Loved it!!!

    "... don’t eat to live but i eat to enjoy the food!! It’s like I live to eat !!..."

  2. Good thought!

    and with the street food tasting better,, we need to do a research on this topic! that may be because it has a soul in to it. Your so called KFC or McDonalad's only serve dead food. But street foods are lively. That might be th reason!!

    keep bloggin.. stay blessed!

  3. hehe wow a post about food! Interesting! I'm a foodie too partially! =D

  4. Thank you all for ur lovely comments....

    @sachi- ur least street food is better than frozen food heated again and again no??

    @Esther- Yo!! hail foodies!!!

    @Shomoita- It is true dear... i'm often ridiculed for this.. but i never mind :D

  5. nice post Divi..I loved it,u know y ;)
